Cognitive and Developmental Systems Technical Committee


Who We Are

The Cognitive and Developmental Systems Technical Committee (CDSTC) is established to promote the research, education and outreach about understanding the mechanisms of development and acquisition of sensorimotor, cognitive and social structures in machines and animals. It focuses in particular on computational and robotic modeling of cognitive and developmental systems to achieve four goals:

  • Building machines capable of life-long adaptation and interaction with the physical and social world
  • Building machines that can model and recognise cognitive characteristics relevant to development in their human collaborators, and act accordingly to assist human activities
  • Using machines as tools to better understand human and animal development and cognition
  • Using machines to support human learning and development

Thus, the TC covers interdisciplinary approaches and methods from developmental and cognitive robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, connectionnist modelling, psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, cognitive sciences and the physics of complex adaptive systems.

Examples of covered topics include the computational modeling of body morphogenesis, of sensorimotor and social development, the acquisition and functioning of cognitive and linguistic structures at the level of individuals or populations, and the study of interactions between brain, body and environment at evolutionary-developmental scales.

In addition, the CDSTC's mission includes:

  • Identification of critical trends of research and applications in cognitive and developmental systems
  • Support to the IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, including promotion of the journal and nomination of best papers
  • Organisation of seminars/workshops/conferences/journal special issues/special sessions/tutorials in the area of cognitive and developmental systems
  • Discussing and identifying opportunities for awards and membership elevation for members of the cognitive and developmental systems community
  • Supervision of activities with regard to efforts in coming up with standards for cognitive and developmental systems

What We Do

The CDSTC shall engage in various activities in order to promote autonomous mental development as a viable technology, including but not limited to the following:

  • Recommend candidates to the Awards Committee for the CIS Pioneer Award in Cognitive and Developmental Systems and the Technical Field Award
  • Nominate papers for Best Paper Awards to the Awards Committee from papers published in the Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems
  • Propose special sessions to the CIS-sponsored conference organizers
  • Participate in paper reviews and selection for CIS-sponsored conferences and publications
  • Promote IEEE Senior Members and Fellows program
  • Collaborate on production of tutorials, and book series with the Multimedia Committee, maintain the Committee’s website, facilitate local chapters activities and organize specialized workshops or meetings
  • The CDSTC will assist in soliciting conference proposals and actively work with the organizers of CIS-sponsored conferences to insure their technical excellence 

Committee Membership

  • Lorenzo Jamone, Chair
  • Kathryn Kasmarik and Tadahiro Taniuchi, Vice Chairs

Current directory of Chairs and members: Cognitive and Developmental Systems Technical Committee Members

CDSTC members are appointed to serve one year term. Reappointment is allowed.

Chair is appointed by CIS President.  2 Vice Chairs are appointed by Chair and endorsed by CIS VP of Technical Activities.  TC Members are appointed by Chair and endorsed by CIS VP of Technical Activities.  (Number of members varies, typically less than 20)

If you are interested in being considered for a position on the Cognative and Developmental Systems Technical Committee, or would like more information on the activities of the committee, please send an email to  If you are interested in being considered for a position on the committee, please include a link to your CV.

Task Forces