Dear all,

Even as I write this message, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly growing. The whole world is passing through a period of severe crisis, with scientists and researchers all over the globe working hard to help combat and reduce the spread of the virus.

In order to contribute towards the fight against COVID-19, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE CIS) has set up a new program, the COVID 19 Initiative. Under this initiative, IEEE TETCI has launched a Special Track on emerging CI methodologies and applications with primary focus on combating COVID-19. The Editorial Board of IEEE TETCI will expedite, to the extent possible, the processing of all articles submitted to this track – under the condition that the submitted article is within the scientific scope of TETCI and has a clear research focus on COVID-19. Please check the S1M submission site of TETCI for further instructions on how to submit a COVID-19 focused manuscript.

All articles accepted through this special track will be published free-of-charge to authors and readers as free access for one year from the date of publication. This will enable the research findings to be disseminated widely and freely to other researchers and the community at large.

To conclude, I wish everyone to be safe and healthy.

Best regards,
Yew-Soon Ong, Editor in Chief
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence

Submission and Review Process

Submission and review of manuscripts is done through Manuscript Central, the IEEE's online submission and review system. Please log on to and submit your manuscript with the manuscript type: Special track on CI for COVID-19. Please make sure that your submission is within the scope of IEEE TETCI, and has a clear research focus on COVID-19.

All manuscripts submitted to the special track will undergo a fast review process, targeting a first decision within 4 weeks. If a manuscript goes through to the revision stage, the author(s) will then have 2 weeks of revision time, followed by another round of review within 3 weeks before a final decision is reached. That is to say, we target to reach a final decision for all manuscripts submitted to this special track within a total of 9 weeks.

SUBMISSION to Special track on CI for COVID-19 is CLOSED.