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After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author’s company or institution will be requested to pay a charge of $110 per printed page to cover part of the cost of publication. Page charges for this TRANSACTIONS, like those for journals of other professional societies, are not obligatory nor is their payment a prerequisite for publication. Papers submitted to this transaction will be imposed mandatory over-length page charge for pages in excess of 10 pages for a full paper, 15 pages for a survey paper, and 6 pages for a brief paper. Authors of papers accepted for publication will be assessed a mandatory page charge of $200 (per page) for every printed page over these limits. The maximum total manuscript length (excluding supplementary materials) with over-length page charge is 15 pages for a regular paper, 21 pages for a survey paper, and 9 pages for a brief paper. For "Comments Papers and Communications" existing rules apply.


Illustrations and Photos

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