T Cognitive and Developmental Systems

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The IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS (TCDS) focuses on advances in the study of development and cognition in natural (humans, animals) and artificial (robots, agents) systems. It welcomes contributions from multiple related disciplines including cognitive systems, cognitive robotics, developmental and epigenetic robotics, autonomous and evolutionary robotics, social structures, multi-agent and artificial life systems, computational neuroscience, and developmental psychology. Articles on theoretical, computational, application-oriented, and experimental studies as well as reviews in these areas are considered.

TCDS is financially co-sponsored by the Computational Intelligence Society and the Robotics and Automation Society. TCDS is technically co-sponsored by the Computer Society.

Impact Score

TCDS Impact Score 2023

The values displayed for the journal bibliometrics fields in IEEE Xplore are based on the Journal Citation Report from Clarivate from the 2022 report released in June 2023. Journal Citation Metrics Journal Citation Metrics such as Impact Factor, Eigenfactor Score™ and Article Influence Score™ are available where applicable. Each year, Journal Citation Reports© (JCR) from Thomson Reuters examines the influence and impact of scholarly research journals. JCR reveals the relationship between citing and cited journals, offering a systematic, objective means to evaluate the world's leading journals.  Find out more about IEEE Journal Bibliometrics.

Announcement of "Covid-19 Research" Fast Track

In order to support the world-wide fight against COVID-19, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE CIS) has set up a new program, the COVID 19 Initiative. Under this initiative, IEEE TCDS has launched a "Covid-19 Research" Fast Track focusing on publishing papers reporting most recent research findings in combating COVID-19. The review process of all articles submitted to this track, provided that the submitted article is within the scientific scope of IEEE TCDS, will be expedited. We expect the review of the papers will be completed within two months and accepted papers will be published in the immediate next available issue.

All papers accepted for the "Covid-19 Research" Fast Track will be published free-of-charge to authors and readers, as free access for one year from the date of the publication to enable the research findings to be disseminated widely and freely to other researchers and the community at large.