Governmental Activities Committee


Under the supervision and the coordination of the IEEE CIS Industrial and Governmental Activities Committee, the Governmental Activity Committee (GAC) is established to promote the research, development, practice, education, and understanding of CIS technology in industrial applications.


GAC shall have a Chair, two Vice-Chairs, and a number of Members. The Chair shall be appointed by the President of the Society in January. The GAC Chair shall appoint two Vice-Chairs and a number of Members. The appointment of the GAC Vice-Chairs and the GAC Members needs to be approved by the Vice President for Industrial and Governmental Activities of CIS. GAC Chairs, Vice-Chairs, and committee members must all be IEEE CIS members. The term of service expires at the end of the calendar year for which they have been appointed. If you are interested in being considered for a position on the IAC, please send an email to with a link to your CV.

Committees Chairs and Members

Current directory of Chairs and members: Governmental Activities Committee Members


Funding for the committee shall be provided by the CIS in the annual budget request. Once approved by the CIS ExCom and AdCom, funds will be available to support the GAC activities. The Chair shall be responsible for the appropriate use of the approved funds with supporting documentation.


The GAC shall engage in various activities to promote an engagement with US/EU government agencies and align CIS technical efforts with their visions and initiatives in AI/CI. Ultimately these interactions will enable and facilitate the adoption, use, and refinement of CIS technologies in industrial and commercial applications. Following the vision illustrated in the I&GA VP Welcome message, we will pursue a variety of activities, including but not limited to the following:

(a) Establish and improve CIS relationships with AI-friendly government agencies, such as the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative (,

the European Approach to Artificial Intelligence ( ),

the European AI Alliance ( ), etc.

(b) Invite their thought-leaders as speakers at CIS conferences to describe their initiatives and the research opportunities that they entail.

(c) Leverage IEEE USA to identify critical contacts within the US Government.


Meetings will be called by the Chair once or twice a year, usually in conjunction with the CIS AdCom meetings or as requested by the GAC members. Sufficient advance notice of the meetings will be given to the members, as well as to other interested parties. The Chair shall prepare an agenda before the meeting, and shall prepare minutes for distribution after the meeting.


This Charter becomes official after at least 2/3 of core members present at The Committee Meeting approves it. Subsequent changes and amendments also require a 2/3 majority vote.

Task Forces

Given the recent formation of I&GA, we will start with only one Governmental Activities Committee, which is described above. As we evolve our understanding of the need for specific governmental interactions/initiatives we will create a corresponding Task Force, under the GAC, to address it.